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Monday, July 4, 2011





Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why bother home brewing beer?

Brewing beer at home is a popular pastime for many people.
Even in the UK where the public house culture is very strong, home brewing beer has a big following.
Successive governments have increased the tax on buying beer in pubs and so many people have looked to save money by making beer at home.
There are both plus points and minus points to home brewing beer.
The big advantage often cited by those who make beer at home is that they can select their own ingredients.
The reason why this is an advantage is that people who brew beer at home can be sure they are using only good quality ingredients.
For many people this means only using organically grown crops for the ingredients.
By home brewing beer they can be sure that they will drink beer that does not contain any artificial chemicals or additives.

Mr. Beer - Makes a great gift!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bohemian Pilsner

Beer Style:            lager, pilsner
Recipe Type:        extract

I have a question about a Bohemian Pilsner I'm brewing. Well, I tasted the stuff in the carboy. It's REALLY SWEET, as compared to most brews I've had, and color is a dark gold.

3.3 lbs. Northwestern Gold ME
4.0 lbs. Alexander's Pale ME
2.0 oz. Saaz plugs (60 minutes-bittering)
1.0 oz. Saaz plugs (30 minutes-flavor)
1.0 oz. Saaz plugs (2 minutes-aroma)
1/2 oz Saaz plugs (dry hop)
Wyeast Bohemian Yeast directly from the pack(no starter) Club Gifts-234x60 banner

FG: 1013

I boiled the extract, 1 1/2 gallons water and hops as indicated in the recipe for one hour. Added everything by siphoning into a plastic water jug with 3 gallons cold water. Topped off with cold water. Waited for everything to drop to 65 and pitched the yeast. I let the stuff sit at around 65 for 1 day and then placed it in the back room of my basement where it sits at a nice 45 all day and night.
I racked to a secondary after 12 days (glass carboy) and dry hopped. It's been in the secondary for two days now and I took a SG reading and got 1.013. I had completely forgotten to take an OG reading, but looking at other Pilsner recipies, it seems 1.021 is a common final gravity.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

American Premium Pilsner

Beer Style: Lager,Pilsner

Recipe Type:  all-grain

For anyone wishing to reproduce "American Premium-style" pilsner beer -- here is my all-grain offering for 5 gallons. This makes a remarkable beer with an incredible Cascade nose and an edge-of-the-tongue bitterness perception -- This is one to convince the 'non-homebrewing' friend that you really know what you are doing!
I hope that some ambitious person with a spare fridge can use this recipe -- it is 100% my own formulation -- if anyone finds something to adjust here, please let me know and I'll give it a try!

6 lbs Lager malt (I use 2-row, but 6-row is appropriate for the amount of adjuncts)
1 lb Mild ale malt
1 lb Rice
1/2 lb Flaked barley
1/2 lb Flaked maize
4 oz Malto-dextrin powder
3/4 oz Saaz (4.2%AA for 90min)
1/4 oz Saaz (4.2%AA for 30min)
1 oz Cascade (4.9%AA for 2min)
1 oz Cascade (4.9%AA for dry-hopping)
Nottingham Ale yeast (dry -- I know, I NEVER use dry yeast...) or Wyeast #2112 California Lager (optional) Club Gifts-234x60 banner

Boil rice for 30 minutes and add grains and water for mash --
First rest at 94F for 30 minutes to help breakdown the adjuncts --
Raise temp to 122F for 30 minutes for protein degradation --
Raise temp to 140F for 15 minutes for better head retention and clarity --
Raise temp to 153F for 45 minutes for starch conversion --
Raise temp to 158F for 20 minutes for complete conversion --
Mashout at 168F for 10 minutes -- Sparge w/168F water at < 6 pH -- Add 1/4 oz Saaz -- boil 30 min -- Add 1 oz Cascade -- boil 2 min -- Force chill (if possible) -- rack to primary and aerate -- Rehydrate Nottingham yeast and pitch at 65F -- Ferment for 4-7 days or until no noticeable airlock activity -- Rack to secondary -- Drop temp to 55F -- Pitch Wyeast #2112 starter (>=400ml) at 55F --
Drop temp to 34-40F for 4-6 weeks (or until you decide to bottle) --

72 hours before bottling:
Add 1 oz Cascade directly to secondary --
48 hours before bottling:
Add your favorite clarifier (if necessary), gelatine, polyclar, etc --
24 hours before bottling:
Raise temp to 60F:

Bottle and let sit at 60F for 1 week, then drop temp back down for either extended lagering (34-45F) or for drinking (48-55) --Boil wort and add 3/4 oz Saaz -- boil 60 min –

Mr. Beer - Makes A Great Gift!

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

American Pre-Prohibition Lager

Beer Style:lager, American lager, pilsner, corn, maize
Recipe Typeall-grain
In HBD #1687 a fine upstanding young American known as Jeff Renner ( wrote at great length about his " ***Great Success in Recreating Classic American Pilsner , a Shamefully Neglected Style!***" . I too read Dr. Fix's article with great interest and formulated a recipe for a "corn beer'. I loved it. My thirsty freeloading friends loved it. And I agree with Jeff that red blooded Americans should learn to love it again. This recipe is a direct adaptation from the Brewing Techniques article by Dr. Fix.
  • 5.00 lb. Flaked Maize
  • 17.00 lb. Pale Ale
  • 1.25 oz. Chinook 13.9% 60 min
  • 2.25 oz. N. Brewer 7.9% 30 min
  • 1.00 oz. Tettnanger 6.2% 15 min
  • Bavarian lager yeast
Mash schedule = 95 for 15 min., 122 for 30 min., 138 for 15 min., 154 for 45 min., mash out for 15 min. at 164.

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Easy Pilsner Partial Mash

Beer Style:Pilsner
Recipe Typepartial mash
Light amber color with a great bitter bite and a hint of sweetness. Aroma - well your kitchen will smell better than a budweiser brewery while bottling. the club!-300x250 banner
  • 2 lbs of pilsner cracked barley 2 row
  • 1 Edme pilsner hopped liquid malt extract kit (comes with yeast)
  • 4 cups of light DME
  • 2 cups of dextrose
  • 1 teaspoon of irish moss
  • 4 1/2 gallons of Arrowhead water
  • 1 10lb bag of ice
  • 3/4 cup cane sugar
  • One-Step Sanitizer

FG: Should be 6-7% alc. by vol. Primary Ferment: 5 days Secondary Ferment: 2 weeks for aging
Bring two gallons of water and the 2 lbs of grains up to 155 degrees in STEEL (not alum) pot. Mash for at least 1 hour for conversion. Pour in the dry and liquid malt extracts; add the dextrose and one gallon of water, and boil for 30 min. Add 1 teaspoon of Irish Moss and boil another 15 min.

Pour the remaining water into your fermenter along with the ice. Make sure the fermenter is completely sanitized.

Carefully pour the mash into the fermenter over a large fine mesh strainer to catch any solids. The temperature will come out to 70-80 degrees. Pitch your yeast ASAP to avoid contamination. Place bin in a dark warm (70-80 degrees) place and let sit for 5 days.

Boil 3/4 cup of cane sugar with 1 pint of water for 15 min to break it down from a disaccharide to a monosaccharide that yeast can eat. Pour the solution into your fermenter and give it a good stir. Let settle for 7-10 min. Then bottle into sterilized containers, and let sit for another 2 weeks in same spot used for primary fermenting.

Chill to desired temp and enjoy.

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A Pictoral Story: The History of Beer

By Sean Percival on April 15th, 2009
Downloaded from Manolith

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

History of Beer

Beer is one of the world's oldest beverages, with the history of beer dating back to the 6th millennium BC, and being recorded in the written history of Ancient Iraq. The earliest Sumerian writings contain references to beer. A prayer to the goddess Ninkasiknown as "The Hymn to Ninkasi" serves as both a prayer as well as a method of remembering the recipe for beer in a culture with few literate people.
As almost any substance containing carbohydrates, mainly sugar or starch, can naturally undergo fermentation, it is likely that beer-like beverages were independently invented among various cultures throughout the world. The invention of bread and beer has been argued to be responsible for humanity's ability to develop technology and build civilization. The earliest chemically confirmed barley beer to date was discovered at Godin Tepe in the central Zagros Mountains of Iran, ca. 3400-3000 B.C. (Chalcolithic/Late Uruk Period).
Beer may have been known in Neolithic Europe as far back as 3000 BC, and was mainly brewed on a domestic scale.
Beer produced before the Industrial Revolution continued to be made and sold on a domestic scale, although by the 7th century AD beer was also being produced and sold by European monasteries. During the Industrial Revolution, the production of beer moved from artisanal manufacture to industrial manufacture, and domestic manufacture ceased to be significant by the end of the 19th century. The development of hydrometers and thermometers changed brewing by allowing the brewer more control of the process, and greater knowledge of the results.
Today, the brewing industry is a global business, consisting of several dominant multinational companies and many thousands of smaller producers ranging frombrewpubs to regional breweries. More than 133 billion liters (35 billion gallons) are sold per year—producing total global revenues of $294.5 billion (£147.7 billion) in 2006.
Historical documentation shows that around 5,000 years ago, ancient Chinese civilizations were brewing a beer-like substance known as kui.
In ancient Mesopotamia, clay tablets indicate that brewing was a fairly well respected occupation during the time, and that the majority of brewers were women. The discovery that reuse of the same container for fermenting the mash provided more reliable results was an early one: brewers on the move carried their tubs with them.
The Ebla tablets, discovered in 1974 in Ebla, Syria, which date to 2500 BC, reveal that the city produced a range of beers, including one that appears to be named "Ebla" after the city. Early traces of beer and the brewing process have been found in ancient Babylonia as well. At the time, brewers were women as well, but also priestesses. Some types of beers were used especially in religious ceremonies. In 2100 BC, the Babylonian king Hammurabi included regulations governing tavern keepers in his law code for the kingdom.
Beer was part of the daily diet of Egyptian Pharaohs over 5,000 years ago. Then, it was made from baked barley bread, and was also used in religious practices.
The role of beer in Egyptian society was far greater than just a drink. Often, beer was prescribed to treat various illnesses. Beer was considered to be the most proper gift to give to Egyptian Pharaohs, and it was also offered as a sacrifice to the gods.
Based on historical evidence, it appears that the Egyptians taught the Greeks the beer brewing process. The Greek writer Sophocles (450 BC) discussed the concept of moderation when it came to consuming beer in Greek culture, and believed that the best diet for Greeks consisted of bread, meats, various types of vegetables, and beer or "ζῦθος" (zythos) as they called it.
In contrast to the Egyptians and Sumerians, "beer never played an important role among the drinking customs of the land of Israel." This is the current state of archaeology pronounced by the Jewish Museum, New York and Jerusalem, relating to the practices of Ancient Israelites.
The process of brewing beer grew tremendously during the rise of Christianity. This was primarily because of the roles that monks had in the production of beer. Monasteries were some of the first organizations to brew beer as a trade. Monks built breweries as part of their efforts to provide food, shelter and drink to various travelers and pilgrims.
A large number of Christian saints are patrons of brewing. Saint Augustine of Hippo, Saint Arnulf of Metz, Saint Luke the Evangelist, and Saint Nicholas all are considered to be patrons of brewing.
Emperor Charlemagne, the ruler of the Christian kingdom around 770 AD considered beer to be an important part of living, and is often thought to have trained Christian brewers himself.[19]
As in ancient times, women were the primary brewers during the Middle Ages. Women took over brewing after the monasteries had really established the process. the club!-468x60 banner